Erotic stories of Jason of the 2 wives
Profile page of Jason of the 2 wives. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Jason of the 2 wives wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 1.3K times
I bought my wife and her family(All Names have been Changed.) Short history, I'm Jason 46 and was the last of my family line. I was doing very well in my career and wasn't concerned about starting a family. I had a nephew and he could carry on the family. My siblings left this world thru accidents or health reasons, as the youngest I wasn't into family matters all that much. Then in 2017 my nephew(23) died in a car accident and he hadn't had a family and that meant I was the last of the family. With that finally striking home... reading time 3 mingenreStraightwritten on